Music Uncovered

Music Uncovered

Hello, my name is Michael Inglehearn and this is Music Uncovered. This blog will be about the songs I’m currently listening to (not necessarily all new songs, I will cover some of the classics we all love) and how they affect my daily life. Be sure to click on spotify to view the playlist. There will be about 10-15 songs per post. So, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do!

2 AM-Bear Hands

This is the perfect song for when you’re feeling a little off, maybe feeling a little nostalgic, or just having a lazy day. The vocals are up front bringing a very strong lyrical presence and making it easy for the listener to understand what is being said. Personally I think the lyrics are the best part of the song. “All I wanna do is forget how old I am.” The entire song he’s saying that he misses being young and going out to his old hangout spots. For me, this song takes me back to my high school years, driving around with friends, drinking a few brews, and just enjoying each other’s company. The vocals don’t take the whole cake though, the guitars are very well recorded with simple riffs in the beginning, turning into a pretty electric bridge-to-solo ending. The drums constantly change throughout making it very fun, and upbeat, making it easy for listener to get into.

La Loose-Waxahatchee

My first thought about this song was, “Wow, this is so chill and groovy at the same time.” It’s very different from the rest of the album, more upbeat and fun to listen to, but the lyrics are still very good. “And this charming picture of hysteria in love, it could fade or wrinkle up, I don’t have faith in much, I know I feel more than you do.” To me it brings that false sensitivity in the hopes of being romantic without scaring your partner away. The constant hope and need for affection, opening up, feeling vulnerable praying that your partner feels the same about you. The strings in the background really blend well for being almost ominous, the drums, upbeat with the high-hat going from 1/8 notes to 1/16 notes. Making it feel like a happy song when in fact she’s describing her own insecurities in an almost playful way.

The New Cupid-BJ The Chicago Kid Feat. Kendrick Lamar

I love the smooth R&B feel, in my opinion we’re missing that in today’s hip-hop. BJ the Chicago Kid isn’t one of my favorite artists, but I think he really found his style in this song. He brings some great vocals with a smooth track in the back, and a sample of Jean Knight’s “Mr. Big Stuff” he talks about how he feels that Cupid is gone, always catering to the one night stands instead of finding the people who belong together. “Cupid’s too busy in the club, at the bar, rolling up, and if you see him let him know, love is gone.” He realizes that he needs to take it upon himself to find his lover instead of letting his lovers come to him. Kendrick Lamar I think really brings the song full circle, talking about how he would like to settle down, but just can’t stop his wandering eye, “I’m looking for you, I’m checking for her,” means I want to find my lover, but I see all these other ladies around me, how do I choose?

Bad Habits-FIDLAR

This song is like my anthem right now.Who doesn’t have some sort of bad habit? Whether it’s social media, overeating, alcoholism, etc. This song is punk at it’s finest, drug problems, and inner conflicts within their own situation. The vocalist does an incredible job of making you see things from his perspective. Right off the bat he says, “Well they say I gotta habit, that I’m just a drug addict and I’ll never be nothing more,” ending the introduction with “I’m gonna do what I want, I don’t care if it’s not what you want anymore.” This shows his attitude toward his habits how he knows he should quit, but just can’t accept it, later saying, “I’ve got my whole life to figure it out” almost brushing it off. There is more to the song than just being an addict though, it’s also about his fear of getting older and not knowing what lies ahead of him, and the only thing that keeps him sane are his bad habits. The instruments kind of change a lot throughout the song starting off almost non-existent, turning into really loud chunky riffs and hard hitting drums, back into the almost non-existent form by the end. I think this helps take the song where it needs to go, showing in an almost immature way that they’re just as lost as everyone else is.

Gooey-Glass Animals

This song is one of the best songs to just listen to. It’s very appealing to the ears (especially in a good pair of headphones or surround sound speakers) with the production value being a personal 5 star rating from me. There are a lot of subtle sounds that you don’t catch the first couple of listens, but as you keep listening you start to hear more than the smooth vocals and psychedelic synths. Sounds like a drop of water, other drum sets, chimes, and I’m sure I’ll find more even after writing this blog. Now, the lyrics are very weird and kind of out there, and I’m not sure where exactly he was trying to go with it, but the high male falsetto and steady vocals really bring it all in for an enjoyable listen.

Awake, But Horizontal-Floating Action

Awake, But Horizontal, “so powerful it sucked the oxygen right out of the room” is a perfect lyric to describe this song. The guitar riff being something very simple, but very jumpy. The drums very prominent, and easy to get into. The instrument that sticks out most to me is the bass, during a lot of the singing the guitar stops and all you hear is the beat of the drum and the intricate bassline. It makes you pay attention to what is being said. “Better to relax than know that you may never relate.” I feel like this person has social anxiety, like he’d rather lay in bed all day than go outside and have to deal with the real world and the people that surround him. I feel that.

Yes, I’m Changing-Tame Impala

Beautiful, psychedelic ominous sounds with a simple drum beat in the back, with dubbed vocals, tons of reverb and echo, making it sound like you’re in a huge auditorium in your own car or home. This song always has me thinking about where I’m going and what I want next in life. “I saw it different, I must admit, I caught a glimpse, I’m going after it
they say people never change, but that’s bullshit, they do.” Throughout my life I’ve had many different views and outlooks on life, as I’ve grown a bit older I’m starting to see myself make goals. Some I’ve attempted and failed, others I’ve succeeded, but there are many more that I have yet to attempt. That’s why this song speaks to me so much. I know I can do more and I’m going to continue to set those goals to reach for my dreams.

In The Morning-ZHU

Sometimes a song moves you and sometimes you move to the song. ZHU is actually the only one out of these artists that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing live. An amazing time, just a big dance party with a great mixture of deep house songs. My first listen I actually wasn’t all that impressed by it, I thought it resembled a lot of his older stuff, but as I listened a few more times I realized that he had just progressed his sound even more. Yes there is a resemblance to his old tracks, but his drops are heavier and crazier than ever with insanely timed cuts and beat brakes. This song is a definite keeper.

Kim’s Caravan-Courtney Barnett

Courtney is an artist in every sense of the word. She’s innovative, lyrical, and just has a style all her own. She somehow blends indie rock with psychedelic rock, while keeping true to rock vocals. Not only does this song have every bit of that, but it has some of the realest, insightful, intelligent, lyrics. “Don’t ask me what I really mean, I am just a reflection of what you really want to see, so take what you want from me.” Very inspiring. Keep on living your life, others will see you as they wish to see you, as long as you’re happy with who you are that’s all that matters. And this isn’t the only song that inspires me song after song she kills it. Go check out her new album, “Sometimes I Sit and Think…Sometimes I Just Sit.”

Perfect Circle/God Speed-Mac Miller

I was not a Mac Miller fan for a very long time, I found him to be cheesy and too poppy for my taste, but the last couple things Mac Miller has come out with I’ve been very impressed. “Faces” was the mixtape that spoke to me. It was the first time I had actually heard his voice and learned about him as a person. I can listen to that mixtape from top-to-bottom, and now “GOOD:AM” is at the same level. “Perfect Circle/God Speed” is a two part song where he talks about his drug addiction and how he needs to wake up before the drugs kill him. “Perfect Circle,” “I wash these pills down with liquor and fall. Leave it to me I do enough for us all. Got what you need if you like breaking the law, my mother raised me a God.” What I hear is his mom put him on a pedestal, and he was scared that he wouldn’t live up to it, so the drugs are his escape from all the pressure. You will also constantly hear “fuck you” in the background of the song. I think this is supposed to be family or friends that he has let down in the past trying to show that he’s really battling the addiction and himself.  “God Speed” This is where Mac gets real, and breaks it down for us. “I thought I’d have it figured out by now, shit would be simple, problems would be in the past by now.” Right away he tells us that he’s hurt and confused, we’ve all been there, thinking we have something figured out and then another thing goes wrong. As he speaks, you can hear the shakiness in his voice. “They don’t want me to OD and have to talk to my mother, telling her they could’ve done more, and she’ll be crying saying that she’ll do anything to have me back.” I don’t think it can get much realer than that.

Heavy Metal Detox-Wavves

Wavves is a band I’m just starting to get into, I think they’re a solid punk band with quite a few gems. “Heavy Metal Detox” is one of those gems. It’s quick pace, and catchy vocals, makes it easy to hand bang to.The guitars are chunky and the drums have great fills. The lyrics aren’t that special, but the vocalist does a great job making his words clear and makes it enjoyable for the listener.

You Got Me-The Roots, Erykah Badu

How can you go wrong with The Roots? Instrumentally, they’re the best in the business. Lyrically, they are top dogs. It’s hard to top an 8 piece jazz inspired band in the hip-hop industry. They’ve successfully put out 10 studio albums and now perform nightly on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.” (How lucky is Jimmy Fallon?!) This group has been together since 1987 and still continue to write hits, and “You Got Me” is another one to tag along for the ride. The chorus talks about how when you’re really in love it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, because you will be faithful to your partner. “If you are worried ’bout where I been, or who I saw, or what club I went to with my homeys, baby don’t worry you know that you got me.” That’s what it’s about, trust and truly loving your partner.

Thank you for checking out the first edition of Music Uncovered, I hope you had as much fun learning about my opinions and my feelings as I do listening and writing down my thoughts. Please continue to read these as I will be posting as frequently as possible! Thanks again, happy listening.

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